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BYU's Bike Sharing program allows all on-campus housing residents to rent a bike while attending BYU.
The rental includes:
Basic Maintenance through Outdoors Unlimited
The rental prices are as follows:
$30 Fall Semester
$30 Winter Semester
$15 Spring Term
$15 Summer
On-going use of a bicycle has virtually NO carbon footprint.
Bicycling is the most energy efficient form of transportation ever invented.
Bicycling can be faster than walking, transit or motor vehicles.Save travel money by biking.
If the switch is from a car this includes purchase price, gas, tires, fluids, insurance, maintenance, washing, parking, etc.
Biking is therapeutic for the mind and spirit Cycling is therapeutic for the cardio-vascular system, live healthier.
Regular cycling provides better muscle tone, bone mass improvement, clearer skin
Regular bicycling helps with personal weight management -- new full-time bicycle commuters can expect to lose an average 13 pounds their first year of bicycle commuting if they maintain the same eating habits.
Easier parking.
Contact Information
Call Jared Thomas
(801) 422-5593

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